Does Pickle Juice + Smoothies = The Ultimate Weight Loss Combo?}

Does Pickle Juice + Smoothies = The Ultimate Weight Loss Combo?

A smoothie with pickle juice may sound strange, but we made 12 of them and trust us, they are delicious!

Have you heard the claim that pickle juice can help you lose weight?

While the scientific research to support claims that pickle juice helps with weight loss is still underway, we do know:

First, eating fermented foods daily along with a healthy, whole foods diet can increase microbiome diversity and overall health.

Second, we know that the microbiome plays many roles within the body, especially having to do with immune system function. But did you know that the microbiome also plays a part in moderating body weight, control appetite and regulating metabolism? 

Therefore, it stands to reason that the relationship exists between eating probiotic rich foods which increases microbiome health and weight control efforts.

If you’re looking for a few new ideas to kickstart healthy habits to support your goals this year, one way to do that is to boost your smoothies with a shot of pickle juice. 

Pickle Juice and Smoothies

Some other benefits of drinking pickle juice

At Olive My Pickle, we've been making the case for drinking pickle juice for years. Some secondary benefits to consuming LiveBrine Probiotic Pickle Juice which may help aid in weight loss include: 

How much pickle juice should you use in a smoothie?

Our recipes are listed below, each includes the recommended serving size of 1.5 ounces, the size of a single shot glass. 

That is the serving size listed on our product package, and its also the amount that contains 14 billion colony forming units of live bacteria. 

In general, we recommend consuming fermented foods or drinks three times a day, everyday. You can eat them as snacks or with meals. It is the consistent, daily introduction of live culture foods, as a lifestyle approach, that results in the best gut health outcomes. 


gut health heart hands- olive my pickle


Some tips about our pickle juice smoothie recipes:

Feel free to modify ingredients and amounts within any of these recipes. We each have different preferences when it comes to consistency or sweetness, so adjust as needed. 

Some of these recipes call for nut milks, or use coconut milk or water. Others use dairy based milks or kefirs. Again, opinions about the best type of liquid to use in a smoothie vary and are based on personal preference. Feel free to adjust when it comes to the milk type listed. 

If you'd like to learn more about our superfood flavored LiveBrine flavors click here.  We have a guide that goes over them. 

LiveBrine Buying Guide

Use these recipes as inspirational jumping off points. Play with them and create your own versions.

Most of all, have fun! Let's get into the delicious smoothie recipes now!



smoothies with pickle juice for weight loss_ dragonfruit and banana

Dragon Fruit & Strawberry Smoothie

Strawberry and banana, is there a more classic combo? Dragon Fruit adds the most beautiful color and has a lot of health benefits like antioxidants and prebiotics. Prebiotics are compounds in food that induce the growth or activity of beneficial bacteria, like what’s in our LiveBrine! Talk about a double whammy!

Dragon Fruit & Strawberry LiveBrine
  • ½ cup frozen banana
  • ½ cup frozen strawberry
  • ½ cup frozen dragon fruit
  • ½ cup frozen raspberries
  • 1.5 oz. LiveBrine: Dragon Fruit & Strawberry
  • ¼ cup coconut water (adjust quantity for desired consistency)

    Preparation: Blend together until smooth.

    pickle juice smoothie with LiveBrine

    Açaí Immunity Smoothie

    Feeling rundown, catching a cold or just plain tired? This immune boosting smoothie is where it’s at! It’s nourishing, hydrating and straight up delicious. The antioxidant punch from the berries is sure to leave you feeling refreshed and ready to seize the day!

    Elderberry & Date LiveBrine
    • ½ cup frozen banana
    • ½ cup frozen açaí berries
    • ½ cup frozen berries (blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries
    • 1.5 oz. LiveBrine: Elderberry & Date
    • ½ cup coconut water (adjust quantity for desired consistency)

      Preparation: Add all ingredients into blender and blend until smooth.

       smoothie bowl, pickle juice

      To make your smoothie into an açaí berry bowl:

      Ahh-sigh-eee or ahh-kai... ahh-who really cares how you pronounce it (sorry language majors). This bowl is packed with antioxidants and probiotics that will give you enough energy to google the pronunciation and then some!

        Add Toppings

        • Fruit: sliced bananas, raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, blueberries, kiwi, pineapple
        • Honey or nut butter: peanut butter, almond butter, sunflower seed butter
        • Granola, chia seeds, flax seeds, hemp seeds, bee pollen, sunflower seeds, shaved coconut, shaved almonds, cacao nibs


            Pro Tip

            Keep açaí frozen until ready to blend. The key to getting a thick, spoonable consistency is to not allow the açaí to thaw too much. Hold frozen açaí package under running cool water for about 5 seconds and break up the purée into pieces (while still in the package). This will help it to blend.


               smoothie made with pickle juice - cauliflower avocado and berries

              Keto Berry Smoothie

              We know what you’re thinking, won’t fruit kick me out of ketosis? This keto smoothie uses berries that are lower in sugar than most fruit, and some really healthy fats so you won’t be riding the blood sugar roller coaster. Yes please!

              Dragon Fruit & Strawberry LiveBrine
              • 1/2 cup frozen cauliflower rice
              • 1/2 cup frozen mixed berries
              • 1 scoop unflavored collagen protein 
              • 1 scoop keto friendly vanilla protein powder
              • 1/2 cup frozen avocado chunks (or half a fresh avocado)
              • Water or coconut water to desired consistency, about ½ - 1 cup
              • 1.5 oz. LiveBrine: Dragon Fruit & Strawberry

                  Preparation: Blend together and enjoy!

                  BLUE SMOOTHIES

                  blue dream smoothie made with pickle juice

                  Blue Dream Cloud

                  It’s tropical, smooth and lightly sweet & creamy. Pair sipping on this smoothie with some sunshine and fresh air, you’ll feel like you’ve been swept away for a beautiful beach day! Day dreams of smooth blue ocean waves, white sails and dolphins playing just under the surface.

                  Blue Spirulina & Lemon LiveBrine Smoothie 
                  • ¼ tsp blue spirulina powder (optional)
                  • 1.5 oz. LiveBrine: Blue Spirulina & Lemon
                  • ½ tsp vanilla extract
                  • 1 cup full fat coconut milk
                  • 1/2 cup frozen pineapple *add more to your taste
                  • 2 scoops collagen
                  • Ice as needed

                    Preparation: Blend together all other ingredients. Tastes like a piña colada!

                       Blue Spirulina Lemon blue smoothie bowl made with pickle juice

                      Mermaid Smoothie Bowl

                      Feel like having ice cream for lunch but not wanting the sluggish effects of all that sugar and dairy? We got you! Fruity, creamy, sweet and beautiful! What more could you ask for?

                      Blue Spirulina & Lemon LiveBrine Smoothie 
                      • 1 whole frozen banana
                      • 1 cup frozen mango
                      • ½ tsp blue spirulina powder (optional but it adds a powerful pop of color!)
                      • 1.5 oz. LiveBrine: Blue Spirulina & Lemon 
                      • ¾ cup almond milk 


                        • Fruit: sliced bananas, raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, blueberries, kiwi, pineapple
                        • Honey or nut butter: peanut butter, almond butter, sunflower seed butter
                        • Granola, chia seeds, flax seeds, hemp seeds, bee pollen, sunflower seeds, shaved coconut, shaved almonds, cacao nibs


                          1. Add all ingredients into blender and blend until smooth.
                          2. Spoon your base into a bowl and top with your favorite fruits, nut butter, seeds, granola, and enjoy!

                            Pro Tip

                            Chill your bowl to keep your smoothie from thawing too quickly.


                            INFLAMMATION BUSTERS

                            tropical smoothie from olive my pickle Livebrine

                            Tropical Paradise Smoothie

                            In need of a tropical vacation but a little thing called life keeps getting in the way? Escape to paradise in your mind with this gorgeous smoothie! It tastes amazing! Side effects may include a boost in your mood and day dreaming of waves crashing on the beach while Jimmy Buffet songs play in the background.

                            Aji Amarillo Pepper & Mango LiveBrine

                            Preparation: Blend all ingredients together until desired consistency is reached


                            coconut milk and pickle juice smoothie

                            Coconut & Ginger Greens Blast

                            Chlorella & Ginger LIveBrine
                            • 1/2 cup coconut milk 
                            • 1/2 cup coconut water
                            • 1/2 inch chunk of fresh ginger
                            • handful of your favorite leafy greens 
                            • 1 small frozen banana
                            • 1.5 oz LiveBrine: Chlorella & Ginger 

                            Preparation: Blend all ingredients together until desired consistency is reached. 

                             smoothie made with pickle juice

                            Primal Sweet and Sour Tropical Smoothie

                            Raw kefir and collagen give this smoothie a serious nutritional boost. Plus a tangy, lip smacking quality that’s sure to leave your tongue and gut happy and feeling great!

                            Pomegranate, Beet and Tangerine LiveBrine

                              Preparation: Blend all ingredients together until desired consistency is reached. 


                                CHOCOLATE SMOOTHIES

                                cacao and berry smoothie with pickle juice 

                                Cacao Blueberry Banana Smoothie

                                This smoothie is perfectly balanced and packed with antioxidants from both berries and cacao! Plus, it’s like drinking a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Mmmm… need we say more?

                                Chlorella & Ginger LIveBrine
                                • 8 oz almond milk 
                                • 1 medium banana 
                                • 1.5 oz LiveBrine: Chlorella & Ginger 
                                • 1/4 cup frozen blueberries
                                • 1/4 cup frozen strawberries 
                                • 1 Tbsp nut butter (we used organic peanut butter)
                                • 1 Tbsp cacao powder
                                • *optional add-in: chia seeds, ground flax seeds, scoop of protein, collagen powder and cinnamon

                                Preparation: Blend together, adding additional water to thin to desired consistency- especially if you're adding other collagen or protein powders. Enjoy!

                                chocolate ice cream smoothie - healthy with pickle juice

                                Chocolate, Avocado and Nut Butter Smoothie

                                Chocolate lovers, rejoice! Did you know that chocolate actually has many health benefits including a high amount of antioxidants? You don’t have to tell us twice!

                                Healthy fats from avocado and nut butter leave you feeling happy & full, and really satisfy a sweet tooth!

                                Classic Kosher Dill Pickle Juice
                                • 1 banana, preferably frozen but not necessary
                                • ½ cup frozen avocado chunks
                                • 1 tablespoon of your favorite nut butter (we recommend peanut butter)
                                • 1 scoop chocolate protein powder
                                • ¾ to 1 cup milk (your favorite milk/milk alternative)
                                • 1.5 oz. LiveBrine: Kosher Dill Pickle Juice


                                  1. Blend the banana, avocado and milk first
                                  2. Add your protein powder and nut butter next. 
                                  3. Blend until smooth and adjust milk for desired consistency. 
                                  4. The pickle juice will bring out the saltiness of the nut butter, which contrasts nicely with the sweetness of the banana and chocolate. 

                                    Add LiveBrine to your fresh juice too!

                                    Whether you juice your own, or simply add a shot of pickle juice to your favorite expeller pressed store bought juice, this is an easy gut health hack. 


                                    green juice with pickle juice shot

                                    Detoxing Green Juice

                                    Yeah, we know what you're thinking; green juice is so last season! Well, we're here to bring green juice back to life. With this gut boosting, fresh tasting and deliciously detoxifying green juice, you'll wanna hop out of bed for it every morning! It's like drinking liquid sunshine. This juice seriously boosts energy to start your day out right. Cheers!

                                    Classic Kosher Dill Pickle Juice
                                    • 2 stalks celery
                                    • 1/2 -1 cucumber - seedless or peeled to remove thick skin
                                    • handful of your fave leafy greens and their stems
                                    • 1 green apple / pear
                                    • 1/2 inch fresh ginger
                                    • 1.5 oz. LiveBrine: Classic Kosher Dill 
                                    • handful of parsley
                                    • whole lemon, including the peel

                                    Preparation: Roughly chop and process produce through your juicer. Stir in a shot of LiveBrine.


                                    inflammation buster juice with pickle juice shot

                                    Inflammation Buster Juice

                                    Sore joints? Stiff Back? Well, if you haven’t tried utilizing the benefits of inflammation busting turmeric you’re seriously missing out! Studies show that regular consumption of this mighty & bright orange root helps soothe aches and pains caused by inflammation. What are you waiting for?

                                    Preparation: Roughly chop and process produce through your juicer. Stir in shot of LiveBrine.


                                    pickle juice for weight loss - blending a green smoothie

                                    More Articles You Check out:

                                     👉 If you're looking for creative ways to add ferments to your everyday meals go to this post.

                                     👉 If you're looking to change up your dressings and sauces with homemade probiotic rich recipe, save this post.

                                     👉 And, if you'd like to add more zing to your drinks, we have mocktails (no alcohol) and a few cocktail recipes in this post that can help you do just that.

                                     👉 Finally a post with detailed flavor descriptions on all 8 flavors of our probiotic LiveBrine pickle juice is put together just for you here.

                                    Ready to Show Your Gut Some Love with Fermented Foods?

                                    If you've been searching for a way to jumpstart your healthy habits, look no further than LiveBrine Probiotic Pickle Juice and Fermented Foods from Olive My Pickle.